To approve the list of scientific researches 2013
Scientific research is considered the vitality of a university. In many years, Dong A University not only focuses on the academic research, but also the highly applicable ones in production and public services.
On January 21, 2013, the Scientific Council of Dong A University approved the list of the researches at the level of Department and University as well as suggested the 2013 researches of lecturers at the level of Ministry, including 1 research at the level of Ministry, 4 researches at the level of University and 6 researches at the level of Department. Dr. Tran Thi Minh Diem, Chair of Department of Nursing, proposed a research at the level of Ministry titled “Surveying knowledge – attitude – behaviour relating on pregnancy care with women giving birth at her first child at Danang Paediatrics and Pregnants Hospital and proposing the solution for educating and consulting”.

The scientific research activity is a journey of creativity as well as the journey of responsibility responded by most students with hundreds of registered researches every year. In 2011 and 2012, the Scientific Council of Dong A University has successfully inspected 2 researches of lecturers at the level of University and suggested 4 researches at the level of City.
The School also cooperated with the authorities in implementing the researches relating to the output of the blind’s production.
With the sound orientation and determination, scientific research activity of teachers and students at Dong A University will get the new proud achivements.