In the morning of December 24, 2014, Da Nang Department of Education and Training have combined with Dong A University to hold the first conference on emulation cluster among private universities and colleges the academic year 2014-2015.

In introductory report summarizing 2014 and draft of admission counseling 2015, Ph.D. Nguyen Thi Anh Dao – Director of Board from Dong A University, chief of emulation cluster has pressed a point that admission counseling is being actively carried out in order to support students in Da Nang city in registering to sit the university entrance exams in Da Nang city so that the students don’t have to go far from home for studying that helps to reduce the economic burden for their families. There are four out of nine universities and colleges (including Dong A University, Da Nang Architecture University and Da Nang Polytechnic College) have registered to participate in counseling at 15 schools, handing out flyers and speaking directly to students.

In regard to fostering managers of faculties, departments, the universities and colleges have developed and implemented effectively programs of fostering and improving manager quality. Department of Education and Training often opens fostering classes, promotes, evaluates and commends completed tasks.
The conference also have spent time on discussing about organizing competitions, cultural programs among universities and colleges the first time (2013) and the second time (2015). In the first time, there were 14 universities and colleges participated in with special and impressive items highly appreciated by managers and people. It is hoped that the second program will be carefully invested and prepared to make universities and colleges more famous.

Representatives of universities and colleges also have presented their reports, learned by experiences from activities in academic year 2013-2014 as well as discussed to find best solutions to bring into play the strength of private universities and colleges, and bring more benefits about learning environment for students.