On the morning of October 8, 2012, students of bachelor tranining program of the academic year of 2012-2013 have officially entered the new school year with the starting orientation week taken place from 8th to 14th of October, 2012.

At the ceremony, President Nguyen Thi Anh Dao mentioned the orientation for developing the skills helping students achieve the set goals in information technology, foreign language and professional knowledge. Moreover, she also shared the self-study spirit, the factors leading to the success. Through the sharing from President, students can address their responsibilities to their family and the community.

Prof. Dr. Sc. Le Van Hoang, Retor of Dong A University, gave the introduction of Dong A academic programs, Dong A culture developing The purpose of this week is to help students know the history of development, huge achievements, development orientation of UDA and perceive the “8 learning outcomes for graduates”, high quality training programs, self-study based learning method so that they can attempt to get the good result of studying.
Especially, Dong A University would celebrate the outdoor trip to provide the newcomers with creative and helpful activities on October 12, 2012.