67 new masters of the 16th course have tried their best to complete their Master's program in Business Administration
On the morning of December 29, Dong A University solemnly held a Graduation Ceremony and awarded a master's degree in 2018 to 67 new masters course 16.

View of 2018 MBA Graduation Ceremony

Dr. Bui Van Vien - Head of Graduate Department reports, summarizing the course

Dr. Nguyen Thi Anh Dao - Chairwoman of the Board, Rector of Dong A University spoke at the Ceremony

The representative of the 16th Master course offered flowers to the Board of Directors of Dong A University

The new masters have attempted to complete the MBA training program

"From today on, you have stepped to a new level, with the expertise of MBA. working professionally, civilized behavioral attitude, contributing to the organization, family and society development." - TS. Nguyen Thi Anh Dao shared in the speech.

Today's formal graduation ceremony is also the time when new masters and families and schools witness the fruits of the honorable learning process of new masters.