Dong A University has always appreciated reading habits among teachers and students as well as regarded reading as an indispensable part in university culture. When having a chance to visit Dong A University, it is not difficult to realize that books are everywhere from the hall, library to classes and offices.

Established with the love for books, the club named “Books and Action’ of Dong A University cooperated with the reading club of Danang city. The Club “Journey of Books” held a talk called “Books and Friends” on the 12th of January, 2019.

Making a speech at the talk, the young writer Ngo Vo Giang Trung shared interesting news for almost 150 students of Dong A University as well as the community of book lovers in Danang.
Making an opening speech for the talk, M.A Luong Minh Sam - the Vice Chancellor of Dong A University told students about the role of books in life and in human development.

He also highlighted that nowadays, with enough conditions for people to have an approach to books and read books, students should take advantage of those benefits to nurture their soul and their own knowledge.

The representative of club gave a beautiful bunch of flowers for Mr. Luong Van Sam
The talk given by the young writer and architecture Ngo Vo Giang Trung was very attractive with the topic “Inspiring people to have reading habits”. Thanks to his simple but heartfelt words, he again lightened the flame of book love for the young generation.

There is also a book exchange activity between participants in this program. Each book comes with a different meaning from the giver. This activity is aimed to help book lovers exchange good and valuable books together, then spread love of books and reading habits to many other people.

With such practical activities, the club “ Books and Action” of Dong A University and other clubs in Danang created a meaningful program to discuss, develop and spread reading culture for students and improve the awareness of the importance of reading for UDA in particular and for Danang community in general.

Nguyen Thi Quynh Nhu