(Thanhnien.com) – PhD. Nguyen Thi Anh Dao, Director of Board from Dong A University share openly about significant improvements in training program toward the direction of practice at Dong A University.

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Reportedly, English language student of Dong A University are very dynamic and good communication. Can you tell us more about this result?
- Actually, English is not a new subject. Everyone has learned, already know. What is different here because students have studied English desire to learn good at English and English later taken as the basis for professional development, so the students have studied the dynamics well, just support learning methods, creating motivation and give them access to job related to English early, they will have good opportunities to develop. This makes students more confident in communicating so they become more active.
During the course, students are supported 100% enhance speaking practices with American, Scotland lecturer from basic training to advance communication; help students meet the standards of English IELTS 6.5 output on a timely basis. Up to 5th semesters, students are fluent in professional English language and editor-translator module and also tourism module (including international tour-guide and Reception) from 6th semesters.
In addition, students also have access to more than 15 non-governmental organizations in Da Nang, learn English with native English teachers, practicing English with foreigners in hotels, resorts ... So after graduated, students can actively participate in various positions, not just editor- translator but also in tourism and many other sectors.
You just said about students studying English language also extended professional capabilities in tourism. So the tourism industry, is that what the strengths of the Dong A University?
- From 2012 to present, Dong A University has improved on Training program like other Tourism Institute in Switzerland. In this way, students learn and practice the service, bar, kitchen in the first year, second year student learn and professional practice reception, end of year 2 students go for internship with other businesses. Back to schools, students are learning modules to further enhance professional working in businesses by the end of year 3. Year 4, students learn the restaurant business administration, hotel, guided to do a project setup a restaurant or a hotel management, so in the process of learning will make students learn more about manage an organization when conditions reached, students can be organized. All Dong A University students recently received the offer letter right in the end of internship due to practice professional skills, service attitude and good English. I think Dong A University Tourism student meet the operation –standard of businesses organization.

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Other than Tourism and English languages, Are other departments of Dong A University follow the realistic direction?
- We are well aware, graduated student without a job is a great influence on the future development. So we put all the attention to improve the school's program towards this realistic practice. Teachers are trained to teach positive approach;
Enterprises take part in training and internship opportunities for students; Students are encouraged, supported, enhanced in professional skills, information technology and foreign languagesfor integration. I believe that the undergraduate students at the school will achieve good results and meet the needs of the business community.
Can you tell us, what is the plan of the Dong A University enrollment this year?
- In 2014, Dong A University is allowed by the Ministry of Education for enrollment in two modes including transcript review scores are based on average results in 5 semester classes 10, 11 and 12 semester 1 must higher or equal 6 points as well as quite good behavior and in the upward direction . The school also recruited under three-general examinations of the Ministry. Students have more opportunity to choose one of two methods mentioned above.
Thank you very much.
Source: Thanh Nien Newspaper