Dong A held the Graduation Ceremony for Diploma, Upgraded Bachelor Batch 10 (Academic year: 2010 – 2012) for more than 600 students on 26 April.
In this event, Dong A honored and gave rewards for students who achieved high score in their studies. This was also the opportunity for students to express their feelings, ideas and experiences, and respect their teacher.

Prof. Dr of Sc. Le Van Hoang - Rector
“You turn to another page of your life, which is larger, more things to learns compare with school – that is life. Each of you must try your best to improve and get the success by your own utmost and endeavour” – Said by Prof. Dr of Sc. Le Van Hoang – Rector.

Student receiving the certificate
In this batch, there are 40 students gained merit, and 2 students gained distinction. Board of Management gave the certificate, prize to record a small effort process of the students.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Anh Dao - President – Giving flowers to student achieved Disctintion
Tran Thi Nhat Le – From ĐHLTKT1A said: -“We get the results today than the efforts of ourselves, the indispensable help of our teachers, make spy support of the officers, and employees in school… In the future, we are, Dong A Students, will contribute to the development of our country, and we will never forget that we are Dong A students, as well as the time we studies at Dong A University”.

Miss Tran Thi Nhat Le represents the new graduates on the graduation speech
Attending the ceremony, there are many uncles who are parents of students - the happy faces of the children to witness a significant turning point of their children.

The joy of the parents, teachers and students.