On May 11, the recognition ceremony for Education Quality Accreditation of Dong A University took place.
(thanhnien.vn) - Sáng nay, ngày 11.5, tại Đà Nẵng diễn ra lễ công bố quyết định và trao Chứng nhận Đạt chuẩn chất lượng cơ sở giáo dục của Trung tâm Kiểm định chất lượng giáo dục - Hiệp hội các trường ĐH, CĐ VN cho Trường ĐH Đông Á.

Assoc. Prof. PhD Nguyen Phuong Nga - The Director of Center for Education Accreditation - Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges rewarded the Education Quality Accreditation for UDA

Assoc. Prof. PhD Nguyen Phuong Nga - The Director of CEA - AVU&C and Prof. PhD Banh Tien Long - the former Deputy Minister of Ministry of Education and Training congratulated UDA on achieving the Education Quality Accreditation
Education Quality affirmation
The Education Quality Accreditation is the only path to affirm the education and training quality of Dong A University. Achieving 51/61 standards, accounting for 83,61%, Dong A University has successfully got the accreditation given by Center for Education Accreditation -Association of Vietnam Universities and Colleges (CEA - AVU&C).

Ph.D Nguyen ThiAnh Dao - the Board of Chairman of Dong A University made an opening speech for the ceremony
The results tested by the new standards of Ministry of Education and Training marked the unique strong points of Dong A University such as: curricular designed under the practice orientation in which students can practice practically at university for one semester and at businesses for three ones; exchange program with universities like KoreaTech (Korea), RajabhatRajanagarindra (Thailand), Tokyo Welfare University ( Japan) and so on for developing the activeness and integration awareness for students. Especially, linking activities to cooperate internationally and expand job opportunities for students to such foreign countries Japan, Germany and ASEAN countries are evaluated as the most highlighted strength.

Representatives of Danang People’s Committee and Department of Education and Training gave credit certified by Ministry of Education and Training and Danang People’s Committee to representative of UDA

According to the representative of CEA - AVU&C - Assoc. Prof. PhD Nguyen Phuong Nga, during the process of evaluation, they recognized that Dong A University not only trains human resources for Vietnam market but also educates for foreign market such as Japan, Singapore and so on. Due to this, the university can affirm their reputation. Moreover, UDA also has lots of scientfici research work introduced internationally. In spite of being just a new university, the contribution of UDA through the 5 - year period from 2012 to 2017 is worth recognizing and is deserved to receive the Education Quality Accreditation.

Assoc. Prof. PhD Nguyen Phuong Nga - The Director of CEA - AVU&C after rewarding the Education Quality Accreditation for UDA
Ms. Nga also shared: “This result is the most objective affirmation for the education quality that UDA has made effort to build and develop in a long time.”
UDA has always tried to maintain the development stability
“This evaluation is the responsibility of explaining the education quality to community of universities and colleges as well as the happy effort to help students succeed” - Assoc. Prof. PhD Nguyen ThiAnh Dao - the Board of Chairman of Dong A University said at the ceremony.

The happiness of UDA when receiving the Education Quality Accreditation
According to PhD Nguyen ThiAnh Dao, in 2018, UDA made a good preparation for the second five - year period in order to achieve more complete goals. UDA focuses on the renovation of curriculum following the outcome standards required by enterprises and the improvement of language for students even when they are just freshmen and so on. Especially, there are linking activities and international cooperation in order to integrate and expand job opportunities for students in foreign countries such as Japan, Germany and ASEAN countries. Until now, there are many students leaving for Singapore and Japan to work and prepare for the official working period as an engineer.
With the policies caring for jobs and renovating curriculum to be suitable for international businesses’ requirements apart from trying to achieve the standards of an integrated university, UDA has made effort to assimilate into the international job market. Since 2015, UDA has widened the job market internationally to countries such as Japan, Germany and Singapore, cooperated tightly with groups, multinational companies and so on. Groups are committing to employ UDA students annually with over 3000 job positions in all faculties. Among them, there are leading groups in Japan named as 7 - Eleven, Zensho, Route - Inn, LEOC, Nursing Institutes Kousekai, Nanakamado, Aoyama, International University Kibi, Buildings Maintenance Association JBMA; Empire Inc Holdings Group from Singapore; Leonardis Group, WBS AG, Azurit from Germany and so on.

Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan –The Head of Office of CEA - AVU&C announced the decision to reward the accreditation for UDA
At the recognition ceremony of Dong A University, the representative of Danang People’s Committee and Department of Education and Training awarded the credit certified by Ministry of Education and Training and Danang People’s Committee for Dong A University because of effort, development as well as activities.

Route - Inn group (Japan) - an international partner of UDA gave flowers to the University Representative on this meaningful occasion
In addition to annual activities for educating the community responsibilities which are the tradition of UDA, programs such as Students following Sea and Islands, Memorial Day and giving scholarships to victims of storm and so on, UDA carried out a community project: Training IT for the disabled - a project permitted by Ministry of Education and Training and four other related ministries. This project has successfully trained IT for 250 students with disabilities during 6 - 9 months/course with the total fee of approximately 9 billion VND. |
Bao Nguyen/Thanh Nien online
Information about the program in the press:
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