According to PhD.Nguyen Thi Anh Dao, chairwoman of the Editorial Council of Dong A University Scientific Journal (licensed by the Ministry of Information and Communications 625/GP-BTTTT on Sep 25th 2021) allowing the establishment and operation of a multi-disciplinary specialized journal, publishing scientific works in the fields of Natural Sciences & Technology, Social Sciences & Humanities, and Pedagogy, …

"The Scientific Journal of Dong A University is a forum for research, academia, and the exchange of scientific and technological information in the community of scientists, managers, lecturers and students, domestic and foreign enterprises; is a bridge between science and practice for teaching, training, research, technology transfer, and contributing new intellectual impulses for the long-term development of the economy, society, and country." PhD.Nguyen Thi Anh Dao stressed this point.

Currently, the Journal is published in Vietnamese and English once a quarter (in March, June, September, and December of each year) and is distributed countrywide in quantities of 200 copies every issue. The printed copies of the magazine have been assigned ISSN codes, and by 2025, the electronic copies (e-files) of the journal will also be assigned ISSN codes in compliance with international norms for a serial publication.

The inaugural edition of Dong A University's Science Journal was formally published on March 30 during a ceremony, offering to researchers and readers ten scholarly papers in the domains of social sciences, medicine, and science. With the assistance of researchers from the country's main institutions, students will study engineering, technology, and agriculture. On this day, the editorial board, the journal's editorial board, and the website of Dong A University's Scientific Journal were also formally inaugurated.

"This is fantastic news since it recognizes Dong A Institution's efforts in developing a scientific research journal at a private university to worldwide standards," said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoa Huu Lan, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Editor in Charge of Dong A University's Science Journal. According to the development direction, beginning in 2025, the magazine will publish six issues per year in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December, and will be included in the ACI's list of publications. The journal's goal is to be on the DOI list by 2024, and each article published in the journal will be converted to 0.5 academic points (in 2024) and 0.75 academic points from 2026 onwards.

Mr. Hoang Cong Thanh, Vice Chairman of Son Tra District People's Committee, Da Nang City, spoke at the ceremony and praised Dong A University's accomplishment in education and new breakthroughs in public science activities. Dong A University's Science Journal was launched using cutting-edge technologies. The first stage in this collaboration is cooperation on the theme "Research on the migration of some varieties of bamboo in service of Tre Viet Thematic Cultural Park - Son Tra District" which Dong A University chaired and implemented by the selection committee. Cooperation on scientific and technical research between the two parties is also a prerequisite for future cooperation in other domains.