Competition "TECHFEST VIETNAM 2021" for students

TECHFEST is the largest annual event for the innovative startup community in the country, organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam.


This event provides an opportunity for the government to demonstrate the dynamics of the Vietnamese startup ecosystem, which is a developing nation willing to collaborate with international partners to develop and promote science, technology, and innovation.

1. Participants:  aged from 18-35 and holding a Vietnamese passport. Also, participants must have a project before applying for this competition.

2. Contest rules: (Attached file)

3. Highlights: 

- Participants will have support from STK & NovaEdu Village. All candidates will submit their project to STK and then we will choose Top 10 groups with highest performance into TECHFEST 2021.

STK’s counsellors  are well-known experts who will assist participants  to develop the formation of open innovative thinking, solve problems and challenges posed in society, pandemic context and demands from large enterprises and corporations.

4. Activities: 

Timeframe Activities
16/09/2021 Lauching the competition
16/09 - 12/10/2021 Receiving application form
12/09- 12/10/2021 Contest promotion - Online forum - Investment Connection
13/10 - 23/10/2021 Preliminary Round – choose top 10 each village (3 teams having the highest scores will be selected for top 60, another 7 teams will participate in top 60 Competition).
24/10 - 06/11/2021 TOP 60 Teams Round
07/11- 13/11/2021 Training Round - Choose 20 teams for the Semi-final round 
21/11 - 30/11/2021 TECHFEST 2021 Semi-final round- Choose 10 teams for the Final round 
15/12/2021 TECHFEST 2021 Final round
02/2022 - 04/2022  Support activities for Top 10 after competition 

5. How to apply:

- Application form: LINK