On 3rd February, Dong A University, Korean Database Scociety (KDBS) and International Information Technology and Management Society” co-organized 19th International Conference on “I.T Applications and Management” referred to as ITAM.
Theme of the conference was about “The Intelligent Technology, Business Innovation, Elearning and Hypermodern Tourism”, which was also a pre-event heading to the summit on “The future of Asia”.
The conference consisted of 12 discussion sessions with 43 papers presented by 98 experts, scholars and professors from 18 different countries around the world, including Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, India, The U.S.A, Canada, Taiwan, Nepal, France, China, New Zealand, Kenya, Australia, Turkey, Iran, Japan, The U.K. and Vietnam...

Prof. Gyeung Min Kim - President of KBDS presented at the ITAM Conference
At the conference, experts discussed ideas from different angles on multiple lens with analyses about such major topics: cyber community, information technology, human resource, elearning tools, technological design, hypermodern tourism, strategic perspective, reseaching methodologies, services management, regional management and social practice.

During the conference, K-Data Organization under supervision of Korean Government gifted an supporting I.T package which amount to USD $ 1 million for Dong A university marking a new development stage of the bilateral relationship between two nations in managing and promoting database industry in general and database study in education in particular.

Prof. Gyeung Min Kim - President of KBDS gifted the supporting I.T package which amount to USD $1 million to Dong A university
Accordingly, two softwares included in the package: Tibero (database management developed by TmaxSoftware) and Orange (another database quality management from Warevalley) provide training programs, maintenance and support services for a period of 2 to 3 years with a license for upto 40 users each. These two software have been installed in the I.T laboratory of Dong A university for students to study and practise directly on the software helping them improve professional skills in database.

Prof. Sean Watt - a member of the managing board of the Conference presenting
According to Dr. Namjae Cho, senior consultant of IITAMS, the director of the conference, told Dong A that those 2 software are the leading ones in Korea and Japan, which are installed and implemented widely on personal computers of students and university labs in Korea. Those softwares were well developed with high security and reliability, and could be extended using for enterprises in larger scales. Tibre one is more effective among the two.

Dr. Namjae Cho - Senior consultant of IITAMS - the Director of the Conference presenting
Experts attend souvenir photo workshop

Mr. Luong Minh Sam, Vice-rector of Dong A University received the I.T package from KBDS President and representatives