On the 28th of January, CARE PARTNER (Japan) – one of the leading companies whose major is medical care paid a visit to work and promote the cooperation with Dong A University. The major purpose of this cooperation is to employ students of the Faculty of Nursing for doing their internship and working in Japan since 2019.

Making a speech at the meeting, Mr. TakakazuShirai – the General Director of Care Partner presented that Care Partner has had over 20 years of experience in terms of Nursing Department. Until now, the company has already opened 105 branches spreading in Japan areas. Being one of 21 leading companies of Japan when it comes to the elderly care (feeding and recovering services), the annual number of customers of the company is about one million. Since 2014, the company has fostered the long – lasting cooperation strategy with Vietnam. More precisely, they are opening a branch to train for nursing students to undertake their internship in Hanoi. At the end of 2018, the company has employed 382 Vietnamese students to do internship and work durably.

Due to the expansion of both market and requirements, Care Partner expects to employ students studying Nursing at UDA for their internship and durable career in Japan with the commitment of life and travel assistance up to 100%. The path is divided into different periods during the year with the orientation for human resources training. In other words, they should have enough skills and knowledge to meet the increasing demands of healthcare in Japan. Within the next few years, the company will provide them with chances to take part in the long – lasting program if they have a passion for. Then they can work and receive a similar income compared to the Japanese.
What’s more, it is also known that from April, 2019, the Labor Law of Japan will apply the new policy to offer Vietnamese people valuable chances to learn and work in Japan through training and developing working skills for Nursing workers to six times a year, in comparison with only two times a year in Vietnam or Philippines. This means that students studying in the Faculty of Nursing of UDA will be able to work and gain experience via the new labor program in a very developed country when it comes to Nursing field. With this policy, the Nursing department will receive the largest number of international labor force in Japan in the upcoming years.

Within the last two years, Care Partner is ranked as the fifth group in terms of reputation which has built a partnership with Dong A University in contributing to the labor force advancement for Nursing, which is still a lack in this country. Before Care Partner, UDA has already signed a lot of agreement with a wide variety of reputable Japanese groups and organizations whose major is Nursing such as Kameda, Kouseikai, LEOC, Aoyaman, Nanakamado and so on. This cooperation has brought about many chances for students to advance their practical skills at hundreds of nursing establishments which are integrated with the most modern equipment and to work in Japan in the future.