At the Opening Ceremony of the academic year 2019 - 2020, representatives of Japanese enterprises collaborating with Dong A University announced the Enterprise Fund for UDA students.
Mr. Kurato Suganuma - Chairman of Suganuma group, Japan represented other Japanese enterprises collaborating with Dong A University to announce the Enterprise and Job Fund with the specific training and career path for UDA students when they are still freshmen.

“Along with the increasing number of different jobs for various majors, students participating in the programs will receive other support regarding to scholarships, accommodation, language improvement programs and so on. The fund is established based on the target in which students will become international students and work in international environment.” Mr. Kurato Suganuma - the Chairman of Sunaguma Group, Japan said.
Thus, currently there are 82 groups and enterprises collaborating to employ UDA students after graduation with over 6 thousand positions, including large groups such as M&K, Aijinkai, Eiseikai; 7-Eleven; Zensho group, Route - Inn, Dormy - Inn, LEOC, Global Design IT and other medical groups such as Kameda, Aoyama Medical, Nozomi, Japan Material Engineering Services, JBMA, Asean Car Business Career-Japan, Eikoh Seisakusho, Care Partner, IFECE, Asrapport and so on.

Opening ceremony of the academic year 2019-2020 of Dong A University
UDA also collaborated with 5 large cities in Japan including Yokohama, Maebashi, Chiba, Fukuoka, Shizuoka; IT Associations in IT, Tourism Association in Tokyo and so on in order to improve job skills for students; academic exchange activities between universities and Nursing institutes such as Kousekai, Nanakamado and so on. These collaborations have created many opportunities for UDA students.
Information about the program in the press:
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