On March 26, Dong A University collaborated with Advanced Institute of Industry Technology from Japan to organize the international conference on "Digital Transformation for Social Development".
Delivering the opening speech at the conference, Mr. Luong Minh Sam - the Vice Rector of Dong A University claimed that digital transformation is now a global trend, which plays an important role in the industrial revolution 4.0. The process of digital transformation is promoted strongly, especially in such fields as medicine, finance, transport, agriculture, tourism and so on. In terms of Danang, which is a location positively realizing smart city development, it is very necessary to apply technology achievements as well as communication information.
“The conference is a good chance for experts on digital technology to share their academic knowledge about digital application and maintaining the competitive advantages in this digital stage. Also, students and teachers can also gain knowledge about digital technology” Mr. Luong Minh Sam said.

Workshop view.
At the conference, experts talked about their useful research on digital technology and its application for smart city development.
Presenting a speech about ‘The Strategic Perspective of new city management in ASEAN’, Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda - Experts on Development Assistance and Financial Geopolitics from AIIT, Japan delivered an overview about new city management model and smart city development in some Asian countries. The professor emphasized the urban improvement process through modernization, including the initial construction, economic infrastructure construction, inner competition and new urban management through Human - Centered Development model used to develop ICT, build smart lifestyle, construct a compact city and improve public services.
According to Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, at the moment, in addition to making investment into developing facilities, it is necessary to focus on improving human resource and public services. To construct a smart city, it is also important to develop satellite cities. Finally, Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda shared smart city construction models carried out at Japan.
He said: “A smart city needs to have these factors: urban citizens, technology, facilities, medical services, local authorities, energy resources, mobility technology. Among those factors, there is a need for regarding human as the center”.

Prof. Mitsuhiro Maeda, Specialist in International Relations and Social Information Science, Japan Advanced Industrial Technology Institute (AIIT) presented the theme of Strategic Prospects for New City Management in Asia.
Making a speech about ICT human resource development in the digital era, Mr. Masaatsu Yoshihara - NTTDATA Wave (subordinated to NTT - the largest telecom group in Japan) claimed that the ICT roles have significantly changed to adapt to business requirements.
Currently, ICT is facing with such new phases as phase 5.0 about digital transformation and phase 6.0 about digital business platform.
“In the phase 5.0, there are 3 human types for the human resource model, including: business architecture to consider the concept of business model by using advanced technologies, digital coordinator to realize the business model and operation architecture to make sure the operation run smoothly. We are entering the new era in which IT persons need to work with business to improve customer experience or create a new business model. “It is vital to develop ICT and digital skills as well as non - digital skills.” Mr. Masaatsu Yoshihara shared.

Giving flowers to experts in digital technology at home and abroad.
In terms of digital transformation to make a smart city in Danang, Mr. Duong Cong Danh - Acting Head of Finance and Accounting Faculty of Dong A University claimed that to build a smart city, we should follow the three steps: Understand - Act - Adapt to take suitable measures.
“It is argumentative that to make a smart city, it is necessary to keep up with technology and this seems to be one - dimensional. To carry out this mission, there is a need for an access to IoT, AI, distributed computing and other technologies. Thus, making a smart city through the three steps should be considered.” Mr. Duong Cong Danh proposed.

MS. Duong Cong Danh - Falcuty of Finance and Accounting presents the topic of Digital Transformation for Social Development in Da Nang city: "Creating a smart city".
At the conference, Mr. LuongAnh Tuan - Data scientist of FPT Software delivered a speech about FPT Digital Transformation Journey in terms of such fields as industries, finances, car technology and OpenFPT - a FPT program to promote sharing and connecting technologies and research results to community.
“During the last few years, Danang authorities made effort to carry out the steps early to make a smart city. Among those steps, digital transformation for social development is very important but challenging due to the fact that the infrastructure system is not synchronous and data digitalization is still limited. This conference organized by Dong A University is a valuable opportunity for Science and Advanced Technology Department leaders to acquire the knowledge from experts on digital technology so that they can propose to city leaders the strategies about smart city construction in the upcoming time.” Ms. Vu Thi Bich Hau - Deputy Director of Science and Advanced Technology Department shared.
Duc Hoang
Program information in the press
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